The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67364   Message #1126411
Posted By: Walking Eagle
29-Feb-04 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: for those going through Hard Times
Subject: RE: BS: for those going through Hard Times
A few weeks ago, I posted a thread asking for a little help as I was feeling very depressed. Many kind folks replied with little gold nuggets of advice, as I had asked for. I am gratefull to all who replied. I particularly remember two posts; Brucies with all the things people say to you, that he wrote in knowing jest, meant to kick start you and Sorchas with deep concern that I might do myself in. I believe that I replied to Brucie saying that he had given me the best laugh of the day, and to Sorcha saying that I was too much of a coward to try suicide.

Thanks Freda and I hope you didn't start this thread as a veiled call for help. 'Catter 'critters wrote from all over to give me a much needed lift. We would for you too.
