The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67311   Message #1126487
Posted By: Peace
29-Feb-04 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'New Deal' Coming Unraveled....
Subject: RE: BS: 'New Deal' Coming Unraveled....
However, there may be one more little thing to throw into the mix. When we look at world economics, has it never struck people that there are x number of dollars to go around, and sooner or later, when lots end up in one pocket, then there aren't all that many left to go around? So, ya got a choice. Print more money (and thus devalue the currency), or hang on to it and what? There's lots of people asking, "Hey, where'd the dollars go?" Right. Look folks, who's got the dollars? Answer that question and you begin to answer the problem.

Money--call it what you will--is either in or out of circulation. Soon as it's out, it ain't bein' used. This isn't rocket science. Our problem is that too few people control too much money. And we have all let them do it!