The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67442   Message #1126550
Posted By: Joe_F
29-Feb-04 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: Your Favourite Audience Insult/Comeback?
Subject: RE: Your Favourite Audience Insult/Comeback?
According to a story retailed by Bertrand Russell, when heckled by a drunk during a political debate, Mr Gladstone would fix the miscreant with his terrific eye & say: "May I request the gentleman who has, not once but repeatedly, interrupted my observations by his interjections, to extend to me that large measure of courtesy which, were I in his place and he in mine, I should most unhesitatingly extend to him." Tradition has it that that speech, suitably delivered, would not only shut a man up but sober him up on the spot. If so, it is well worth memorizing.