The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67168   Message #1126682
Posted By: Little Hawk
01-Mar-04 - 01:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: What did Jesus really look like?
Subject: RE: BS: What did Jesus really look like?
One can speculate forever about what Jesus looked like. My guess is that he had fairly dark skin and dark hair, but it's just a guess. What difference does it make anyway? And what did Judas look like? And what did Mary Magdalene look like? Hmmm? How about Peter?

Kirk Douglas is a Jew. Does he "look like" a Jew? Does it matter?

Does it matter if someone is or is not a Jew? Not to me. Maybe to you. That's your business, I guess, isn't it?

I used to like American Indians ("Native Americans"?) better than all other people in the World. I was strongly prejudiced in their favour. I got over it. Now I like everyone, unless they (on an individual basis, I mean) give me a very good and direct reason not to like them.

- LH