The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1127318
Posted By: ranger1
01-Mar-04 - 07:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
Faith is believing in something outside myself that I have no control over. I sleep better at night knowing that the sun will rise, natural selection is in full swing, that the universe is expanding, that my partner's love for me knows no bounds, that people are, for the most part, kind.

That said, faith is also believing in myself. In my ability to be the best person I can be, to live up to my potential and to live life to the fullest, but without treading on others to do so.

Faith is trust. Faith is believing that if I treat others the way I myself wish to be treated, that they in turn will do the same. That if I reach out, someone will be there to take my hand. That if someone reaches out to me, I will have the strength to take their hand, no matter what.