The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67452   Message #1127338
Posted By: Bobert
01-Mar-04 - 07:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pope Declares Victory!!!....
Subject: RE: BS: Pope Declares Victory!!!....
Well, I wasn't going to wade back in to this thread for a while but I can't help but compliment GUEST,sorefingers for this thoughtful post.

I also have some concerns that in the mediums that we use to teach folks can be very damaging. That's why I originally brought up the differences in the way Christ has historically been portrayed, especially over the last 600 to 700 years. It may be an over generaliztion but the Reformationist (Protest-ants) have tended to dwell more on love, forgiveness and redemption (resurrection/cleansed) with a symbolicly cleansed cross. When we look back at the art of the Counter Reformationist we find more blood and suffering which, IMHO, tends to try to ramrod a feeling to march in step, or else...

My intent is not to criticize the Catholic Church but, upon reflection, I'm sure it sounds like I am doing just that. I'm just curious why so many Protestants are so so willing to change fall in line in a change in the way we think of the cross. I find it also very interesting that Bob Jones of Bob Jones University has been buying up as much bloody Baroque paintings portarying Counter Reformationist's thouths about Jesus's crucifixtion. Hmmmmmm? And I'm also concerned that, with images of suffering being pushed ahead of reserection are we not on the door step of another major change from teaching folks God *fearing* as opposed to a loving God...

Just thinking out loud here... Still trying to figure out why so many people are flocking to see this movie???
