The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1127473
Posted By: GUEST,Boab
02-Mar-04 - 03:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
I never intended to be sucked into any religious or pseudo-religious discourse. Just so that my philosophy is known, I do not have faith in the existence of "God" as He/She is proclaimed in the bible. I do not deny such existence; I just DON'T KNOW. As far as the O.T. "God" is concerned, I hold the opinion that many of the events and activities attributed to him were anything but "good"; in fact, just the opposite. That Jesus Christ existed and was indeed an outstanding human being I have no doubt. Following His example in our own lives can be no bad thing. Having said that, I cannot believe in "virgin birth". Which brings us to some of the events described in the new testament as "miracles". That the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water I can belive; that He actually DID, I do NOT believe.That a multitude considered themselves fed with five loaves and three wee fishes, I can also believe; I do NOT believe that they really WERE fed! Which brings us too to the power of Faith. Such Faith was engendered in the minds and hearts of men and women by this man Jesus that he put scenes and events before them which they forevermore swore swore to be real, and stated them to be so without a trace of duplicity or intent to deceive. The written records of their experiences has given Faith to millions of human beings--a faith unfortunately distorted and cruelly exploited by charlatans down thro' history. If Jesus was destined to be nailed to the cross for the sins of humanity, then a cursory glance at the horrific machinations of self-proclaimed "Christians" down the centuries from Rome thro' Calvinist Europe, presbyterian and catholic Ireland to the Armageddon maniacs of the American Southt, surely points to the truth for those who genuinel;y believe in the meaning of His crucifixion; He has been hanging there suffering for over two thousand years.
I think my "Faith " in much of biblical prophecy and "miracle" working finally became rationalised [can't think of a better word-]
when I saw a wee lad climb up a rigid rope and disappear at the top. I SAW that happen, but I know it didn't. Like the disciples who saw the Man walk on the water, or those who felt well-fed by three wee fishes. I was convinced by a hypnotist. The same thing happened, I think, to the folk of the bible. Having complete faith in the source of persuaion leads to perceived "miracles". Not always a bad thing---but not always good, either. If the human mind is rid of all fear, and asked to perform some feat or other,some miraculous result can ensue. Let's say---a three-inch broad "I"-beam rigidly connected by supports and suspended forty feet in the air; let's see the untrained person who can walk along its fifty foot length without breaking their neck! Now, set that same beam just as rigidly on a flat and level concrete floor. Get the same folks to walk along it---no trouble at all! They have faith, y'see --and with good reason---that there is no danger, and fear disappears, taking with it the tendency to fall off the beam.
To those who have absolute faith in their god, and who see Him as One who has Love for all, I envy all of you. To those who choose to worship a "divinity" for the reason that they think they will be rewarded by a "place in Heaven" , I do NOT envy you; I hold you in contempt as being of the hordes who will do no good unless there is personal reward at the end of it.
My hobbyhorse is tired---g'night!