The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1127705
Posted By: Tinker
02-Mar-04 - 10:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
Jerry !!! My house is a mess, my garden is desperate, and I'm sitting here pulling books off the shelf, re-reading posts, shaking my head in agreement or stopping suddenly and saying no that's not part of my view at all... Thanks.

To begin, for me Faith is a verb. To live in faith is to accept a journey where I have to acknowledge that by definition the ultimate is unknowable to my puny little brain, but that there will be tiny moments of pure simplicity that baffle my abilty to explain. It's not founded in my beliefs, because it regularly chews them up and expects me to put them back together in a semblance of order. In fact it's a paradoxical thing this Faith, it tends to defy it's own definition. ( Perhaps because really it's only words we've wrapped around an idea we can't quite grasp ) In fact those I know who are the most grounded in Faith have the deepest sense of their own helplessness and inabilities, yet have an amazing abilty to reflect the Light. Faith for me is also remembering to fullly grasp and experience life even when I can't reduce it to an understandable and rational explanation.

I just reread this and I'm still not satisfied, but for this moment it'll have to do.
