The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67479   Message #1127748
Posted By: GUEST,ClaireBear
02-Mar-04 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: Seattle Morris
Subject: RE: Seattle Morris
Well, I've now perused the team photos for the Seattle teams, and assuming those photos reflect current personnel I can give you a couple of contact names to try:

I know a lady named Valerie on Misty City from long ago, and Dave of Sound and Fury used to dance with Berkeley Morris in California, of which I am also a graduate. Both of them are pleasant people (although Dave DOES work for Microsoft), and should your friend contact either of them I am sure they will be happy to make her welcome. Both of them will remember me as Claire, the dulcimer & concertina player from Berkeley.

I'm amazed no Catters thus far have admitted closer ties, but there you are. It could still happen. Good luck!