The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1127768
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
02-Mar-04 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
Amos and Tinker: You both have added some wise observations to this conversation. And I am so delighted to have you both sharing in this conversation, as I value both of you as people. Funny thing about this Cafe.. you start to recognize people you feel a kinship and friendship with, and yet you don't really feel like you've gotten to know them. I don't think that it is a limitation of technology as much as it is the level on which we communicate. I've enjoyed you right from the beginning Amos, and obviously it wasn't because we shared the same faith. I don't know the faith of most people in here, any more than I know their political afilliation. And I don't feel the need to know. But, there is something about the person that shines through their postings that makes me feel like I'd really enjoy them as every day friends if we weren't separated by so many miles.

With all of the demands on our time and desires, we all tend to go cruising along, passing each other and waving a greeting, without ever really getting to know each other.

And tinker... a few years ago when all sorts of inexplicable changes were occurring in my life, I became very frustrated and confused. And impatient. Finally, a calm descended upon me and I felt that it wasn't necessary to make sense out of everything that happens in my life. Just the opposite. There are things that have happened, and are still happening in my life that don't make sense to me. But, I believe/have faith that when I am prepared to accept the changes, the reason and meaning will become apparent to me. I would say that they will be revealed to me when I have been fully prepared and canhandle them. Others might think that they've figured everything out on their own. All I know is that I am extremely limited in my ability to understand what is going on in my life and in the lives around me. My wisdom is very finite. And that's alright with me. It was a great relief when I finally realized that I don't have to understand everything, and what's more, there are things that are beyond human understanding. For me, that's where faith kicks in. We all use our own words.

But, isn't it wonderful to be able to talk openly about what is at the heart of our lives without judging each other?

I love it.
