The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67332   Message #1127816
Posted By: Irish sergeant
02-Mar-04 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: the constitution
Subject: RE: BS: the constitution
I've lately done research into the constitution pursuiant to an article or series based on the unconstitutionality of the proposed amendment banning gay marriage and the formation of the secret police, I mean the homeland security department. While it is a fact that our forebearers were more religious than many of us today Bill is absolutely right about the separation of church and state Kindly refer to the first amendment in the Bill of rights. Youi don't have to be a lawyer to understand it. The language is concise and to the point.
   I neither desire or require "King George" or his right wing religeous fanatics to tell me how to pray or whom to marry. The man should be impeached for violating the constitution for signing into law a bill he rammed down Congress's throat under the threat of continuing terrorism that violate several constitutional amendments. In addition to the one stated above kindly add the Fourth, Fifth, sixth, ninth, tenth, fourteenth and fifteenth. He drew our armed forces into a second conflict with Iraq after promoting a policy based on non-existant evidence. I fully agree Sadaam Hussein needed to go but it should have been via the world court. The president can be impeached for high crimes and misdomeanors. A ploy the conservative right tried unsuccessfully tried with Clinton for having a relation with someone other than his wife. Here's a clue, That wasn't illeagal and neither was his lying about it. Oliver North did far worse and the conservative factions lionize him. Our president allows a company (Haliburton) to gouge the American taxpayer for services rendered in the rebuilding of Iraq. Why ? Because Dick Cheney has ties to them (Or did if we believe him), American men and women are being asked to die in the name of freedom while the same person asking them to do wants to stifle the rights of a substantial cross section of the American populous. Vote Bush and his cronies out in November! Thank you for putting up wityh my rant in the name of liberty, Neil (AKA Irish Sergeant)