The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67101   Message #1127875
Posted By: GUEST,sorefingers
02-Mar-04 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mel's Dad... no Holocaust...
Subject: RE: BS: Mel's Dad... no Holocaust...
Gee, if I thought the NT was a true record of what happened in 1-33 ad I would be rich getting all those contemporary Roman documents printed; but, OC we know there were very few almost no such documents.

Now why would that be?

Maybe the whole thing as presented in the NT is dressed up to look like a far bigger thing? Perhaps the Mithracising Paul and a few more like him decided to gain more power? Who knows.

If you want to read about the opposing view of the event - from believers OC - you should look up the Hamadi texts - banned by the early Church and ordered burned.

Prophet maybe - Messiah ... naw. Besides the millions of Jewish people brutaly murdered during WW2 is a far bigger thing than one in 33 ad.