The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1127993
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
02-Mar-04 - 05:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
Thanks for that long background, Bill: I enjoyed reading it. I grew up in Wisconsin, not far from you. My parents didn't go to church much... I can barely remember them going. That wasn't because of a lack of desire on my Mother's part, but my Father didn't start going until I was starting to go to college. So, I just kinda grew up... my two closest friends in High School were Catholic, but most of my friends didn't go to church, and religion wasn't something I ever talked about. I went to Sunday school during the summer a couple times that I vaguely remember, but mostly I was just busy being a kid.
Maybe that was what was best for me. When I think of the people I've known who no longer believe in God, almost every one of them was raised in a strict home where church going was mandatory. Most of the people I know who were raised Catholic are Atheists now... Joe Offer and padre are Catters who have kept and strengthened their faith in the Catholic church in here. I think that I came about my faith, and the acceptance of people who were different from me from my Mother. She was never judgmental and just loved people for who they were. That doesn't mean that her faith isn't important to her, but she never tried to "convert" anyone, including people in her own family. So, you won't catch me trying to convert you Bill, or berate you for your beliefs. I'm just trying to live the best that I can within my own limitations. It's hard enough to know what I should be doing. I sure don't want to try to tell other people what to do. It's not that I think faith isn't important. I just think that it's personal.

And good for you, Bill to feel comfortable enough to share your thoughts. Ain't any one in here 'cept us folks.
