The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67393   Message #1128008
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
02-Mar-04 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: He kept Our Boys out of Haiti
Subject: RE: BS: He kept Our Boys out of Haiti
As I understand it the real problem in Haiti under Aristide has been outside interference from the United States and others.

Here's an article from today's Guardian which gives a slightly different slant on all this from most of the stuff about this that has been coming out - Why they had to crush Aristide

..."With the enthusiastic backing of Haiti's former colonial master, a leader elected with overwhelming popular support has been driven from office by a loose association of convicted human rights abusers, seditious former army officers and pro-American business leaders...."

As for the claims about a bent election: "An exhaustive and convincing report by the International Coalition of Independent Observers concluded that "fair and peaceful elections were held" in 2000, and by the standard of the presidential elections held in the US that same year they were positively exemplary."

So in the light of "a colonial power is responsible for the problems of it's former colonies" , when can we expect to see the British step in to sort out the former colonies in North America, and the problems they seem to have in holding fair elections?