The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67393   Message #1128028
Posted By: Bobert
02-Mar-04 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: He kept Our Boys out of Haiti
Subject: RE: BS: He kept Our Boys out of Haiti
Well, I'm not an Aristide apologist but...

... given the circumstances in Haiti with just basic security without outside help, he has been in no-win situation... And he hasn't gotten much in the way of help from the international community. Why? I 'm not sure if there has been an active conspiracy or just a passive agressive one but he was certainly set up...

I'd be real curious to know the relationship of Haiti's aristocracy (the 1% that controls 99% of the country's wealth) has with aristocracies in other countries, the US included...

As fir the Don/Strick discussion. Sorry, Strick, but I kinda find myself on Don's side on what I have read about teh US economy in '37 and '38 and his observation that their is a chizzeled-in-stone goal by the ruling class to kill off every last FDR program, Social Security included. It's not that they are aginst entitlements, it's just they are the ones who feel superiorially entitled becuase, for the most part, they were born with a silver spoon...

Sorry, pal, that's my take on it...
