The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1128166
Posted By: Mary in Kentucky
02-Mar-04 - 10:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
As Brucie said, "Man, there's some serious brains on this thread."

I enjoy READING philosophy/religion/debate discussions tremendously, and have learned a lot...but somehow, I just don't enjoy verbalizing such ideas. I don't know if it's a lack of skill on my part or what...but it seems that so many discussions (I'm thinking more of the how to argue thread) are just too nebulous for me to get a handle on. (That was a polite expression of how I really feel...but that's another thread.)

I remember seeing a round table discussion hosted by Bill Moyers (PBS TV program) about the Bible or something. It was very disturbing for me to listen to because it seemed that nobody was exploring one idea to "exhaustion." I felt that as each person made a point he/she just introduced more tension, and there never was any resolution. (think musically here) My friend who loves political discussions loved it...she can somehow think in many directions at once, and it seemed to her that everyone was getting a chance to express his/her individual idea.

Bill, I follow-up on many of your links, so keep 'em comin'. Many times there are philosophical terms for the ideas I struggle to verbalize. (I also like your links to free stuff on the net!)