The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1128394
Posted By: Amos
03-Mar-04 - 10:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
. For those who believe in God and a life with Him in eternity, we'll get to see the other side of the tapestry when we die. No need to see it here, because we couldn't comprehend it. It's faith that leads us to believe that all the seemingly disconnected strands of our life are part of a grand tapestry.

That's a fine definition of faith indeed, Jerry. I am not sure whether the first proposition hangs together, though, because it implies certain beliefs as a pre-requsiite for later perceptions, and I am not sure those beliefs are the ones (and the only ones) that will enable such a perception to occur. Not sure about the notion that we can't comprehend such a view from here either, even if we can't put such a comprehension into language. Don't mean to be a gadfly, but I wouldn't want such a sweeping position to go without comment.