The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67519   Message #1128776
Posted By: Alice
03-Mar-04 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Howard Dean Wins Vermont!
Subject: RE: BS: Howard Dean Wins Vermont!
Dean Meetup is tonight, here is a letter from the Gov to all who have been meeting each first Wednesday of the month to promote his ideas...




Hi everyone. Thanks for coming to another Meetup. It's been a long year
for all of us, and I want to thank you for taking us so far. No one ever
said that changing America was going to be easy. We have a lot of work
ahead us, and I hope you'll all stay with us -- our fight for healthcare
for all is far from over. We're going to keep fighting for equal rights
under the law, for investment in children, and for a national security
policy that makes America stronger by working with our allies.

On March 18th, two weeks from tomorrow, I'm going to announce more
details about our new effort. For this new phase to be successful, we're
going to need everyone to stay connected and involved.

The strength of our campaign continues to rest with you, our grassroots.
That's why I'd like to get your feedback over the next 14 days. At your
Meetup tonight, please use the feedback form to tell me (1) which issues
matter most to your group and (2) what actions you'll be taking locally
to support or elect like-minded progressive candidates.

And if you have specific ideas that you think of after the Meetup, you
can email them to us at

Thanks again for coming tonight. You guys are the best. Take some time
to celebrate all that we've accomplished together, and keep checking for more information about what the next phase of our
movement will look like — and tune in on the 18th!
