The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67519   Message #1128778
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
03-Mar-04 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Howard Dean Wins Vermont!
Subject: RE: BS: Howard Dean Wins Vermont!
As it turns out the money did not garner the most votes. Kerry turned it around. Much may well be attributed to Dean's naivete and to his coming off--in the end--as a hot head. No clear definition of policy--just emotion. And--face it--no foreign policy experience. Roberts ditto--re: foreign policy. That is an important thing today given that our Pres. has really traded in all our credibility for a lump some of Zero. Hard to to ---but Dubya managed it.

Kerry (and Edwards) came across as someone that can beat--hopefully and prayerfully--Bush by bringing sanity and cool-headidness back into our culture. Shooting from the hip and sounding inane while doing so is a Bush signature. Kerry sounds and looks presidential.

My own pich for a great team for the Democrats would be Kerry/Clark. But, even better, Kerry/Clinton. It is consitutionally possible and allowable.

Bill Hahn