The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67101   Message #1129097
Posted By: Peace
04-Mar-04 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mel's Dad... no Holocaust...
Subject: RE: BS: Mel's Dad... no Holocaust...

I went to some of the sites you mentioned. They are sites that contain mention of people like Jim Keegstra, a man who taught holocaust revisionism in his social study classes in Alberta. His license to teach was revoked. Doug Christie is a lawyer who has defended many right-wing people who espouse race hatred and holocaust revision. Ernst Zundel is one of them. Alberta is a place where White Supremacy and shades of Nazism have a small handhold. It's like having vermin in the province. The revisionist sites you have posted are disgusting. If you seriously believe any of that crap ('the Holocaust didn't happen' view of history) I am very sorry for you. But, in truth, I am more sorry for us. People who say that stuff make me want to puke. And having access to those writings on the Mudcat sullies the best site on the internet.