The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1129196
Posted By: Art Thieme
04-Mar-04 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
I've no need to discommode so many of my good friends here by saying how things seem to me from where I sit. Other threads are here at Mudcat that say that stuff way too stridently. I'm sorry for those posts. Perpetrating those, at least partially, denies some sincerity to my feelings that live-and-let-live is the only way to go if we are to survive here in this life with any moral high ground and dignity.

But watch out. Faith leads to films being made like The Exorcist and this new one by Mel Gibson. In one the blood is way too THERE---too red---as if the liquid had been put through PHOTOSHOP and enhanced with an intensity that can only be there when human emotions and over the top sentimentality are exploited to perpetrate other agendas. In the other film the color is green as the vomit of hell is spewed from the mouth of the demonized one whose neck swivels 360 degrees on a special effects ratchet.

In both cases extreme dramatization can make a travesty of the tenets and dogmas of that faith. The audience comes there with their faith held tightly and vulnerably in their hearts. Then they are assaulted by visions that warp their faith almost subliminally---but quite actively actually.--------- In effect, these films play on basic beliefs of the people----and to me that is unconcienable.

I've mixed some ideas here. Sorry 'bout that. I guess it's just that sometimes there do seem to be valid reasons for censorship---even when doing that smacks of censorship and limits the $$$$$$$$$ taken in.

Art Thieme