The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67519   Message #1129244
Posted By: GUEST
04-Mar-04 - 03:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Howard Dean Wins Vermont!
Subject: RE: BS: Howard Dean Wins Vermont!
I think he should too, but I sure wouldn't blame him if he didn't endorse Kerry. The Kerry camp and the Democratic Leadership Council have been in cahoots since late December. Kerry became that "anybody but Dean" candidate they kept harping about needing, going into the primaries.

Nor would I fault his grassroots supporters for sitting the election out. They were kicked in the teeth and told to hit the road, metaphorically speaking, by the party machine. They have gotten the message loud and clear--you are either with us and our agenda, or you don't exist.

How long do the Democrats think they can continue to get away with ignoring and dispossessing their progressive and grassroots constituencies, anyway?

One filthy rich white guy is running against another filthy rich white guy, and neither of them gives a rats ass about the issues that matter to me. And I'm supposed to keep playing the "vote for the lesser of two evils" game because the Democrats say so?

Fuck the Democratic party.