The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1129284
Posted By: wysiwyg
04-Mar-04 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
I had what seemed like a moment of unsual clarity today. I was listening to bluegrass gospel and washing dishes when I heard this song (again): "There's a Higher Power." It seemd to sum up most of what I know in my faith-- that no matter how true and powerful anything else is, there ALSO is an even higher power.

Musing on it later, I expanded upon this statement of faith to realize that no matter how UPward a thing is, there is always a place (or a person or a way of being or a way of doing) that is farther UPward... it's part of the nature of being human that however UP we ourselves are, we can always seem to see just a little farther up than we ourselves are, and reach for that till we can grasp it and look, again, a little farther beyond...

And in my experience, it matters whether one tends usually to be looking UP and forward, or DOWN and backwards.
