The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1129981
Posted By: Two_bears
05-Mar-04 - 03:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
This happened in February 1982. It was not the result of imagination or visualisation. if it was i would do it every night. it felt real, like my spirit had left my body and the planet, flown through the starry sky and into a huge ball of conscious light (the sun?) before emerging, returning, re entering my body, which was by now in a state of complete ecstasy.


Hello Shy Cat. It felt real because it WAS real.

What you experienced was a conscious OBE (Out of Body Experience) Everyone. I have experienced a few OBEs, the Talk show host (Art Bell) told of an OBE he had over the city of Paris one night. Authors like William Buhlman, Rick Stack, Albert Taylor, Robert Brude, and several others have written books about how to initiate an OBE. My first OBE happened after I had been meditating for over an hour while directing universal lifeforce energy (Ch'i, Ki, Mana, prana, Manitou, Nuwati, Reiki, and dozens of other names) into an injured ankle.