The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67101   Message #1129982
Posted By: InOBU
05-Mar-04 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mel's Dad... no Holocaust...
Subject: RE: BS: Mel's Dad... no Holocaust...
I agree with Cluin:
And to Garg, I know folks who survived Auchswitz and I assure you it did happen. Small details like scratch marks on gass chamber doors don't disprove the event. I am convinced that millions of Jews where killed for the soul reason of their ethnicity, about 1/3 of the Roma population where killed for the same reason, others, Gays, Socialists, Trade Unionists and disenters were killed for things tolerated in civilized nations and that wounded German soldiers where killed if the German authorities felt there was no chance of what they concidered useful recovery. You are a guy who does seem to try the truth, and I think exposed to more you may change your mind.
To others, beating up on Garg wont change his mind, let's keep things civil, you may notice he (I expect) has been trying to be as caustic but in a much more polite way, and I think caustic and challenging is in keeping with free speach, attacking the speaker is not.
All the best