The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67583   Message #1130148
Posted By: George Papavgeris
05-Mar-04 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: El Greko 4th CD launch: 'Life As Usual'
Subject: RE: El Greko 4th CD launch: 'Life As Usual'
Fair's fair folks...Herga, Maidenhead and Windward are my "residentship" clubs, and they have been the three most important stepping stones on the road to here, listening uncomplainingly to every new spasm and experiment, offering constructive criticism and encouragement, giving me the first gigs (aye-aye Sir), shameless publicity (thanks oh Hairy One), supporting this launch etc. I keep making many good friends in clubs (Uxbridge, Stortfolk, Bedford, Ampthill, Open Door etc) that can never be forgotten either. But H/M/W will always be special to me, and I hope my new friends will allow me this little indulgence towards the old ones. Well, the 3-year old ones!
Come and see me round the back, Mike...;-)