The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67519   Message #1130650
Posted By: Susan A-R
06-Mar-04 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Howard Dean Wins Vermont!
Subject: RE: BS: Howard Dean Wins Vermont!
I'm finding that it's a better and better place to be from. Civil Union, Howard Dean, and those seemed pretty reasonable to us here. Say, anyone out there get Bernie Sanders' radio show? I understand that it's not just broadcast in Vermont, and it's pretty interesting.

We're doing our best, and probably it's because community is still a large part of how we function. In a state where I know all of my state reps/senators, my city Mayor and select persons, and can chat with my senators, congressmen and governor (although we've elected kind of a Bush clone as our current gov) we keep each other somewhat honest. Maybe state populations should be limited to less than one million.

Susan A-R