The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2624   Message #11309
Posted By: Alan of Australia
27-Aug-97 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: How to Create a Folksong (FS for Dummies)
Subject: RE: How to Create a Folksong (FS for Dummies)
Here is my attempt at following your instructions. Don't know if it works though - we seem to end up with a song that wanders aimlessly from verse to verse and goes nowhere, apparently providing no logical reason for people's actions.

On the other hand, maybe that means the instructions do work after all.

When the first white settlers sailed into Botany Bay in 1788 Kurnell was the place they landed. I doubt if many people were transported to Botany Bay because the settlement very quickly moved up the coast to Port Jackson (Sydney Harbour). This entire area is now surrounded by suburban Sydney where I live.

Obviously May is winter here and a coolibah grove is more likely than an ash grove. Scans better in this song too.


As I walked out on a May morning
On a cold, grey winter's day
At length I came to far Kurnell
On the shores of Botany Bay.

    With a down derry derry derry down

And as I wandered down the road
An Irish girl I spied
I am your long lost love said I
But she knew not that I lied.

Oh Willie, dearest Willie she said
My father ordered you slain
When he discovered I was with child -
And with you I had once lain.

Now you must be my lover's ghost
Come back to haunt me so
And I will kiss your clay cold lips
But with you I cannot go.

I am no ghost and if you've a child
A lover I ne'er was to thee
But if you'll consent I'll walk with you
My racehorse for to see.

Kind sir you are too bold said she
To speek so freely to me
For you only wish to remain as free
As a lark up in a tree.

How many ships sail in the forest said I
I've wondered all my life
If you can tell me this I said
I'll take you for my wife.

I cannot be your wife she said
For I fear Britannia's huns
And by the uniform you wear
I see that you are one.

I drew my dagger from my cloak
And slew my own true love
And now she sleeps beneath the green turf
Down by the coolibah grove.
