The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67519   Message #1131036
Posted By: Nerd
07-Mar-04 - 02:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Howard Dean Wins Vermont!
Subject: RE: BS: Howard Dean Wins Vermont!
Bill H, I wonder what the heck you're talking about. Who is Roberts?

And your statement that Dean had no clear definition of policy is absolutely absurd. He had massive detailed policy positions on almost every issue.

That's one of those claims always leveled by supporters of one candidate against his rivals. It's an impression people get because they only pay attention to their own candidate. It's also exacerbated in Dean's case by his media assassination; the media made an effort to prevent you from knowing what Dean's positions were toward the end.

Interestingly, right now, there are people making the same argument about Kerry on other threads, and I've corrected them too. There is no candidate for President who does not have clear positions on most policy areas. You simply have to look for them. The worst in this race was Clark, who began at the 11th hour and was unprepared at first.