The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67632   Message #1131070
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
07-Mar-04 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secularity vs Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Secularity vs Religion
Sorry, Guest: I couldn't resist. I thought that your opening post was excellent... not inflammatory. I didn't mean to be dismissive. I wonder though, why you assume that those who responded kiddingly were Christian? We'se outnumbered about 50 to one in here. That said, I think that fundamentalist religion of any flavor is potentially dangerous, whether it's Christian, Muslim (probably not Buddhist) or Jewish.

I don't see any conflict between an analytical mind and faith. Many great, great thinkers and scientists have been equally committed to their faith. Having gone two years toward a Doctorate in Geology, with a strong scientific background in several fields, I've seen plenty of shamans posing as scientists.

Tell ya what, Guest... look at the range of perceptions on faith in the thread I started, and I'll continue to monitor and contribute to this thread in a respectful way.
