The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1131128
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Mar-04 - 05:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
Bill - Ghosts? No problem. You just have to actually encounter one. :-) You should have picked a much more outrageous example as a counterpoint to science. Keep thinking on that...

Tarot? Works as well (or as poorly) as any other system of divination, depending on the practitioner's intuitive ability and honesty. There are phony tarot readers, mediocre tarot readers, and excellent tarot readers.

Ouija board? Interesting. I don't recommend getting into it too much though. There are far better things to do with one's time.

Telepathy? Happens all the time. Some people are better at it than others.

Alternative medicine? Everything's an alternative to something else. If you call it "alternative" that's usually cos you're not too acustumed to it yourself yet.

Alien landings? Don't knock 'em if you haven't seen 'em. :-)

Messiahs? Prophets? Why knock 'em if you ain't met 'em?

God, so many chuckles out of one subject. I love it.

Reality is not founded upon competition, and none of these things are in competition with science as far as I am concerned. They're just interesting parts of the larger picture that is Life.

Why set up some kind of artificial battle for top place between conventional science (which is highly useful) and a ton of other interesting things?

If you decided to marry someone, Bill, is it partly because you have faith in her? I hope so. That is a type of faith worth having, and it's got nothing to do one way or another with science, but it's a real and valuable factor in relationships.

- LH