The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1131233
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
07-Mar-04 - 07:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
Hey. Bill:

Good for you! I enjoyed your "rant" as you refer to it on another thread. Nothing like airing it out. Just as a one sentence point.
Faith isn't superior to knowledge because it is not subject to proof: it's neither superior, or inferior (in my eye.) By definition, faith is something that can't be proven. (Sorry, two sentences..)

I also have a lot of faith in the scientific method (let me have that one, Bill.. :-) Many of the wonderful blessings (things we appreciate) in our lives are from science. If it wasn't for science, we'd be chiseling our comments on stone instead of on this keyboard.
And what about all of the advancements in health care? I give praise for them, because family and friends have had their lives SAVED by science. As I mentioned earlier, I have seen dramatic healings of health that defy explanation. Doctors can not give one. You can just accept that as inexplicable occurences or a spiritual healing because of faith.

Yahoo for science! Like faith, it has it's malpractice. That doesn't detract from it's basic value, any more than I feel like the lunatic Christians (and Muslims and other religions) don't invalidate the faith.

We got no problem on science, Bill
