The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1131243
Posted By: Bill D
07-Mar-04 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
well, brucie, I can agree with that, the way you state it. You, and many others, simply feel better with the idea of a creator. It is a beautiful notion, in abstract, and I'd like to think that at least one of the pretty stories about it all were true....but I don't feel ANY need to have an absolute answer. I am truly content to be amazed and awed at what is here...and out 'there'.

If a creator does suddenly appear in such a way that even *I* cannot dispute**, I will have some pointed questions for 'it' about why we silly mortals were allowed to wallow about so long with muddled and ambiguous guidance! *wry grin* If I am zapped in my tracks, so be it!

**(sure...I can imagine stuff happening that would convince me..clouds parting, voice rumbling in all languages at once, stars aligned to spell out "PAY ATTENTION" and "STOP THAT!"...but NOT weeping stautes or 27 feuding denominations with different Holy Texts)...and before Little Hawk pops on to assure me that God is everywhere and I am thus part of God, I gotta say that if I can't wrap my head around the idea, it has to remain just poetry...pretty poetry, though.