The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67315   Message #1131313
Posted By: Bobert
07-Mar-04 - 09:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anti-Semitism & The Left
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-Semitism & The Left
Actually, brucie, the 1967 June Wars should have impressed upon the Arab nations that pushin' Isreal into the sea ain't a realistic goal.

As fir the 200 nuclear weapons? I made it up. Shoot, you got a couple and yer in the big leagues. Ask North Korea. But seriously, I did hear a number close to that on Pacifica radio within the last month or two. Heck, it was probably jus' 170 'er so. Nuthin' to worry 'bout so you all break up. Go on home.

But seriously, Part II, what if it is 20? Hmmmmm? Ya seen a piccure of Hiroshama? Bad news fir the Arabs...

People say that the Isrealis wouldn't drop one of these things like on Syria but ask the Syrians how they feel. Or the Lebanese? Jordonese? Or the __________ese? I mean, folks who drive bulldozers thru folks homes ain't exactly trustworthy neighbors......

Now I ain't gonna get drawed into this danged thead. Poor ol' CarolC keeps fallin' fir it. I done battled this one last year. Got some shrapnel wound scars to prove it. There are some folks 'round here that think it's okay fir the Palestianians to get their stuff stolen and if ya' stand up and yell "Thief" yer branded anti-Semitic.

So this will be my last postin' to this miserable thread...

Good bye, and have at it..... again, and again, and again...

