The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67651   Message #1131581
Posted By: Desert Dancer
08-Mar-04 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: OBD's Jim Malcolm's younger brother-Scott Gardiner
Subject: OBD's Jim Malcolm's younger brother??
Jim Malcolm, singer and guitarist with the Old Blind Dogs, performed here in Tucson last week. A pleasant show, but somewhere in the witty inter-song banter Jim referred to his younger brother, "who's a real traditional singer" -- "he thinks instruments are too modern; he thinks singing in tune is too modern..." -- and who, on hearing of Jim's bringing some traditional song to the 'Dogs said, "You're not going to f--- that one up too, are you?!"

So, Claire (as in Guest,Claire) and I turns to each other and says, "Ooo! Tell us more about the little brother!" (We both agreed that Jim had a lovely voice, but we preferred a more traditional style of song and presentation.)

So, anyone have any more on the little brother? Or is he among us, here?

~ Becky in Tucson, Arizona