The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67653   Message #1131655
Posted By: GUEST,Bothered and Bewildered
08-Mar-04 - 03:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
Subject: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
I am a regular Catter, but prefer to be anonymous on this one. Hope you all don't mind. I am serious in asking for your opinions and information.

I am divorced and middle-aged and it is more than 20 years since I have been involved in anything like 'dating'. I find I am entering a very different and rather bewildering world and I wonder if what I have been experiencing is the norm. I got talking to a man through work, who asked me out for a drink and we got on very well. What amazes me is that within two weeks of our first meeting, he wanted and expected me to go to bed with him. This is the second man I have been out with since I have been single and the second time this has happened. Am I really so very out of touch ? Are people in real life all now behaving like characters from Sex & the City and Eastenders etc. ?

Please don't think I am a version of "disgusted of Tonbridge Wells". I'm very much hoping to have a full sexual relationship with someone again. It's just that I thought that mature adults would enjoy and understand the delight of a gradual build-up, of getting to know someone and that sex would mean something.

Are the two experiences I have had typical amongst the middle-aged ? I'd be glad to know. At the moment, I am feeling rather disappointed and disillusioned, as well as

Bothered and Bewildered