The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1131692
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Mar-04 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
Speaking of Nietsche and God, Bill, you reminded me...there was some guy who decided to sue God a few years back.   Why? Because his life hadn't worked out like he'd hoped. He hadn't gotten the kind of job, marriage, and other great stuff he'd been hoping and praying for all his life. Since God is theoretically (in this guy's opinion, I mean) in charge of everything...he therefore held God as responsible for ruining his life! He sued the Creator for many millions of dollars.

This idiot actually found a lawyer willing to represent him (in California, I presume), and launched a civil suit against God. It got to court (I forget which level). They chewed on it for awhile, but couldn't figure out how to get God in the witness box. Eventually the judge threw it out. By the way, this same guy didn't just sue God, he also sued the US government, the state government, and several other large entities of that sort. All of them had apparently ruined his life. He got no satisfaction whatsoever. Only his lawyer understood (ha, ha).

He didn't seem to understand the concept of individual free will and responsibility for one's choices and actions.

People like this give other more reasonable people who believe in God a bad name. They should be sued for everything they've got! :-)

- LH