The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67653   Message #1131807
Posted By: GUEST,jacquic@Newark
08-Mar-04 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
Subject: RE: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
I think that this has to come down to individual circumstances. I must admit that, when I was younger I did get sexually involved at an early stage in relationships but even then had to have strong feelings for the guy. Nowadays I would prefer to get to know someone as a friend before committing to a relationship by sleeping with them - I've seen too many of my friends get too far into unsatisfactory relationships too fast and then have a problem getting loose.

Who makes a judgement as to whether someone is 'good in bed'? A guy can be a great sexual athlete but if the feeling isn't there then it's an empty act as far as I'm concerned. If there is a good relationship between two people then any sexual problems can be dealt with in one way or another. If I had to choose I'd rather have the emotional side of a relationship than the physical any day - both is hitting the jackpot. Maybe that's a female way of looking at it though.