The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1132014
Posted By: Two_bears
09-Mar-04 - 01:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
Can those of you who believe in astrology, psychic healing, alternative medicine, witchcraft & magic, Tarot, Ouija boards, demonic possession, alien landings, telepathy, Phrenology, Palmistry, reincarnation, and various versions of spiritual forces manifested by various Messiahs and Prophets really say that your claims are just as good as those of properly done science?

Astrology? No. I believe we create our future by the choices we make.

Psychic healing? ABSOLUTELY! I am an energy healer Actualism, HUNA, Reiki, Seichim, and have studied more than a dozes modalities. In 1980 I was diagnosed with a TERMINAL disease (Drushane Muscular Dystrophy) and was given 6-12 months to live. I went from riding a motorcycle to riding a wheelchair. I have seen FAR too many miracles happen under my hands to ignore them. I have seen nerves, ligaments and muscles regenerate on four minutes. As a matter of fact; I was present to witness FOUR miracles last Novemer 22nd. None are as blind as those that will not see.

Alternative medicine? There is nothing wrong with alternative medicine provided that it is used as a supplement to and NOT a replacement FOR proper health care.

Witchcraft and Magic? Absolutely! I was in pipe circle, and saw this with my own eyes, and I don;t care if you believe it or not. Every time the ceremonial leader gave an offering of tobacco to the 6 directions; Here came a HUGE gust of wind bending over the trees so the sun could shine into the circle of trees. Once upon a time Alberto Villoldo trusted science. He had a Ph.D in Medical Anthropology, and Challenged a Shaman to influence his health negatively, and he tells of his experience at the beginning of his book "Shaman: Healer: Sage. Michael Harner a well credentialed Academic (Ph.D in Anthropology) saw what the Shamans did,and many others.

Tarot? No. The Tarot was designed in the 14th century by Kabbalists to preserve their teachings through the dark ages.

The four suits represent the four elements, the four face cards
represent the four worlds, the cards numbered 1-10 of each suit
represent the 10 sephiroth (spheres of consciousness on the tree of
life. There are 22 cards of the major arcana. There are 22 paths
interconnecting the 10 sephiroth on the tree of life, and there are
22 letters in the Jewish alphabet.

Ouija boards? It is not the board at all, one can paint letters on a smooth board, and use an upside down glass as the planchette. It works by opening the mind to communication from the dead.

Demonic posession? Absolutely! I have done more than my share of exorcisms. I know about 15 different way to do it. The Hawaiian Way, the Native American way, the Catholic way, the protestant way, the Shinto way, etc. I have even gone in places where a Catholic priest as picked up and thrown halfway across the room. Brad Steiger challenged an entity, and he, and two others were picked up in mid air in the presence of several witnesses.

Alien Landings? I have seen four things in the sky (over my life) I believe to be UFOs. I never saw any of them land, or aliens, but I DID see four Air Force jets running away from a UFO, and taking evasive maneuvers.

Phrenology? I have MAJOR doubts of this.

Palmistry? No because if a person changed the way they close their hands consistently; you can force your hand to change the lines in the hand over time.

Reincarnation? ABSOLUTELY!

Or, look at the list YOU believe in ALL of those? And why not? If Tarot is 'valid', why not ghosts? If they are not subject to the usual tests and scrutiny demanded by good science, then why exclude any of them? One of the tenets of logic is that "from a false premise, anything follows", but I see so many claims that, when examined, presuppose accepting something at the beginning that is, by definition, not testable. THEN the claimant will turn around and assert that "science is no better, because it is constantly having to change its theories and revise its answers" if the two situations were comparable!

Ghosts ARE valid. Most of the entities (they believe to be demons) people experience are actually earth bound spirits that are kept here by their addiction to drugs or alcohol, attachment to posessions, fear of being punished if they crossed to the realm of spirit. I have encoutered a few demons. When you encounter one; you will be changed.

Two Bears.