The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67653   Message #1132037
Posted By: SueB
09-Mar-04 - 02:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
Subject: RE: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
B&B, I have researched the question, and I believe I have the definitive answer. According to my copy of The Rules (I sent it to my sister 6 or 7 years ago as a gag gift, and she was mortally offended and sent it back)..."don't be surprised if the man you're dating gets very angry when you kiss him goodnight in the lobby at the end of your second date rather than invite him upstairs for a drink. He has probably been spoiled by other women" (those sluts!)"who slept with him on the first or second date and now he feels he's being denied this pleasure. But don't worry. Anger indicates interest, and you might be surprised, for he will probably call you again!" The author goes on to say, "Making him wait will only increase his desire and create more passion when you finally have sex whenever you're ready." That's Rule #15: Don't rush into sex.

Hope this helps!