The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32196   Message #1132425
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
09-Mar-04 - 04:52 PM
Thread Name: song history - How Can I Keep From Singing
Subject: RE: Help: song history - How Can I Keep From Singing
The original 1860 hymn by Robert Lowry is not in the DT, but the words were posted by Joe Offer in thread 40581.
Lowry How Can I Keep

The midi to the DT re-write sounds something like the original tune written by Robert Lowry for his lyrics, but a more upbeat tune by Ira D. Sankey is preferred by many.

Midis for both the Lowry and Sankey tunes are in Cyberhymnal, also the scores. (Can't bring up the scores- I have Acrobat but lack '%pdf' and don't know how to add it)
How Can I Keep From Singing