The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67675   Message #1132517
Posted By: Bobert
09-Mar-04 - 06:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poor people are lazy says Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Poor people are lazy says Bush
I agree with Bush on this one but for different reasons...

I know a little bit about poverty having worked for a CAP (Community Action Porgram) in the late 60's and what I found was that poor people breed more poor people. The system is designed that way. Just as rich folks breed rich folks.

But back to the lazy aspect of poverty. It's less a born trait than one that just come from the culture of being poor, feeling disenfranchished, having to attend crappy schools in crappy neighborhoods where opportunities of escape are slim to none.

Oh sure, you can find a few folks who beat the odds just as you can find some rich kids who don't beat the odds *BUT* these are exceptions and tend to be brought up mostly by folks who like to lay blame for poverty at the feet of the impoverished. Very cruel, shortsighted and down right wrong thinking!

As fir the term "Individual Responsibility" which the neocons PR PR folks are throwing around as if it actually means anything let me interpret: "I'm rich! You ain't! Get over it!"
