The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67675   Message #1132555
Posted By: Don Firth
09-Mar-04 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poor people are lazy says Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Poor people are lazy says Bush
In the many years of "saving the world" in long discussions over coffee during and since my college days, I try to suss out the philosophical basis of the beliefs of those with whom I debate. Once one does that, the course of the discussion becomes clearly understandable and much more predictable.

One theory I have derived from this is that most conservatives, including most Republicans, adhere more or less to Social Darwinism. This becomes especially evident when talking about such things as welfare programs. Although many of them may never have heard of Herbert Spencer or Social Darwinism, more often than not these are the views that they express—although not as starkly as a conscious Social Darwinian might express them. When pointed out, they vociferously deny that that is what they truly believe. But they continue the same argument nonetheless.   

This captures the essence of Social Darwinism:
They believed that white Protestant Europeans had evolved much further and faster than other "races." And some, especially the followers of Herbert Spencer, took it one step further. Human society is always in a kind of evolutionary process in which the fittest- which happened to be those who can make lots of money--were chosen to dominate. There were armies of unfit, the poor, who simply could not compete. And just as nature weeds out the unfit, an enlightened society ought to weed out its unfit and permit them to die off so as not to weaken the racial stock.
I recommend reading the full article from which this is excerpted (HERE), especially the section headed, "The Misapplication of a Biological Theory."

Also very active in American history—and our present—is a belief in Calvinism and its doctrine of religious predestination. This explains a lot about American history, including such things as "Manifest Destiny."

Although many hard-charging Calvinists (and not all Calvinists are members of the Presbyterian Church—Calvinism permeates most Christian denominations in America) consider biological Darwinism (evolution) the work of the Devil, they would find Social Darwinism totally compatible with their religious beliefs, even though they probably don't know that's what it's called.

A few observations on currents at work in the American political system and throughout much of American society.

Don Firth