The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67315 Message #1132622
Posted By: GUEST,C-Watch
09-Mar-04 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anti-Semitism & The Left
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-Semitism & The Left
Your information about Arab citizenship rights in Israel is incorrect.
You can find the breakdown of parties represented in the Knesset at this link. You will note that there are two parties that are specifically Arab. Several of the leftist Israeli parties also include Arab members.
Arab members of the Knesset have eqaul voting rights within the Knesset as do the Jewish members. The votes of Israel's Arab citizens count as much as the votes of Jewish citizens in determining the makeup of the Knesset, which as I've previously noted, is based on proportional representation.
Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza are not Israeli citizens and thus do not vote in Knesset election.
Arabic, by the way, is an official language of the State of Israel along with Hebrew.