The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1132644
Posted By: Amos
09-Mar-04 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
Only thing I aim to throw your way is a barred F chord or so, Bill!!

And really the gap is not that great. I think a scientific hypothesis that runs into a brick wall can justify adding one element to cover a wide range of phenomena, just as, for example, was once done with the luminiferous aether before Mitchelson-Morley stepped in. It was a good working hypothesis. Didn't prove true but it helped align more data than without it.   

Take all the associated phenomena that material science cannot yet explain, including those you mention and the occasional case history of telepathy and maybe an OOB or two and p'raps even a case of verifiable reincarnation (there are plenty that might be, in the literature) and for ALL those unexplainable phenomena you add one little postulate to your world view that says exisitence has matter, space,, energy, time and life-force, or spiritual nature to it -- one lousy little addendum...and all of a sudden, all those weird things fall into line nicely.   Thus, a more elegant model, IMNSHO! :>) Just as energy has characteristics like, say, charge, current strength, number of joules, etc., so might life force have its own characteristics -- maybe affinity is one. Maybe understanding or something like that -- knowing -- is a measurable quality? An awful lot of unknown territory there, for sure.