The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67315   Message #1132721
Posted By: GUEST,Nerd, cookie musta got tossed
09-Mar-04 - 10:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anti-Semitism & The Left
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-Semitism & The Left
Hi everyone,

been away from the computer all day.

CarolC, I was not misquoting you, I was stating what you suggested about me by saying "I really couldn't say." You were stating that from my posts, for all you knew, I COULD be "against Human Rights." This then suggests that my posts and my online demeanor are such that one could come away with this impression.

It would be like someone saying, "well from Carol's attitude, she MIGHT be a (fill in expletive here); I just don't know. You'll have to ask her." The stong SUGGESTION is that the speaker thinks you ARE said expletive.

And as for the person you compared to Hitler, when you say "are you saying that X applies, because if so Hitler would be proud of you," rhetorically you are suggesting a comparison to Hitler. You are trying to back someone away from a statement he has made by saying "the way I understand it, that statement suggests a Hitler-like attitude," which in itself SUGGESTS you think he is like Hitler.

Technicalities aside, it's a little offensive.

So far C-Watch and others are doing a pretty good job pointing your inaccuracies.

And you're right. I will never have the degree of indoctrination that you have recieved about the "history" of Israel.

This crap about indoctrination is pretty offensive too. There, you are misquoting me rather severely. I never said anything about indoctrination. What I said was that Jews wish Israel to exist, and that all things being equal, and given that there will be the same amount of suffering in the world (a premise I know you don't share, but one which we honestly believe to be true), we would prefer the option that keeps Israel in existence. As they say, "so sue us." But don't slander us!

I won't post new stuff because I know you haven't had time to respond to my old stuff yet.

Chief, you'll notice I haven't mentioned NASCAR or trailers once. I think that stuff is irrelevant to this discussion.