The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67653   Message #1132836
Posted By: Guessed
10-Mar-04 - 05:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
Subject: RE: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
a cutting from the Planet Zog Daily Planet

Anyone finding pieces of broken heart please send in plain brown envelope to Ms Irate, Planet Angry.
Please - no Glue.

It is only a guess BUT some people are attracted to others with a bit of "something" about them. People with latent anger might just have "anger making" confused with "anti-wimp".   Nice guys and wimp are often confused as the same thing. They are not.   

And as for waiting 6 months, level with the person, state your road map. It will help them decide. If that worries you then tell them. Honesty is disarming if the person is right. And if you are angry tell them, but DONT SHOUT.