The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67653   Message #1132974
Posted By: matai
10-Mar-04 - 09:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
Subject: RE: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
(some thoughts on this subject)
touch is often something that is quite hard to do, it can be faked, acted out...actually feeling and wanting the touching can be fraught with anxieties, insecurities, fallacious beliefs about oneself and others...but if i took all that into consideration i'd never do it...sometimes one has to take a risk...maybe it pays off, maybe it doesn't...i like to be alone but i also like to be I reach met with indifference...othertimes there is response... maybe the response is different from what i expect so i have to rethink, step back, try again....move jerkily into this relationship i'm having/going to have/almost have had...who knows? aren't there always evolutionary aspects?
