The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1133024
Posted By: Two_bears
10-Mar-04 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
well, I'm not sure that what the Dalai Lama believes is any more relevant than what Amos believes...or Bill, for that matter. (other

    Bill: You are absolutely correct here. Each of us are are on different lifepaths, and each of us are on a search of Spirituility that works (answers our spiritual questions) for us. The Dalai Lama found his answers in Buddhism. My guardians found their answers in the Baptist religion, I found my answers in blending Native American Spirituality and Hawai'ian mysticism.

    Before I found my answer; I studied assorted forms of "christianity", Buddhism, Taoism, Eckankar, Wicca, Druidry, and several others. The onus is on each of us to find the answers to our spiritual questions, and allow the soul expression.

I do know that stuff happens today that was once thought to be the work of devils or spirits by 'less enlightened' cultures long ago,

I know EXACTLY where you are coming from. I was a very psychic child, and did not have the sence to keep my big mouth shut; well they thought that was a gift of Satan, and they did their best to beat Satan out of me. I still have a knot on my left collar bone 1/2 the size of a chicken egg where my guardians broke a broom handle over it, and I have avout 75 scars on my arms where I was burned with cigarettes as punishment.

and stuff STILL happens in the brain that we are not sure about. My first wife had a Caesarian section under medical hypnosis many years ago...she was told not to feel pain, and she didn't....and others under hypnosis have been told a stick is a red-hot iron, and they

    Hawai'ian mysticism explains this pretty well.

    The Hawai'ian kahunas understood there are three spirits or selves in a human being. The selves are Unihipili (sub conscious mind), Uhane (conscious mind), and 'Aumakua (super conscious mind). The Unihipili has COMPLETE control over the kino kanaka (physical body). If the Unihipili is convinced there will be no pain or even bleeding; the Unihipili directs the kino kanaka to not feel any pain, or even bleed.

    There is also a surgeon at the house of Dom Ignatio in Brazil. Don't ask me to spell the name of the town. The surgeon Joao De Deus (called John of God) This is a simple man with NO medical training. He does surgeries with a pocket knife while channeling entities that were surgeons when they were human beings. I have never seen John of God do an operation; but a long time friend and her husband (her husband is a medical doctor in California)went there. When John of God was told that Peter was a medical doctor; Peter was asked to assist with the surgeries. I have given a brief synopsis of what Peter saw in the surgeries for your information)

    I saw him literally cut people open on the stage with his pocket knife (no sterilization facility), remove the gall bladder, inflamed appendix, tumor, remove cateracts from the eye, and others. The patient was awake and talking during the surgery, in no pain, and no bleeding, then after the surgery was over; he sewed them up with needle and thread. During the days I was there; I happened to see the people that received surgeries a few days before, and I asked to see the incisions. I did not see a trace of infection. I do not know what to believe any more.

those who will not wait for answers. *shrug* You may find it hard to believe, but I would LOVE to be proved wrong...if I can have an explanation of how it works that doesn't rely on poetry and linguistic weaving to clarify the matter. If your point is that it MUST use those images and poetic constructs because it is, by definition, unknowable in traditional physical terms, AND not demonstrable to those who will not, like me, 'open my mind' and

    I KNOW you're wrong; but I do not ask you to take my word for it. ;-) Debunkers demand that I ignore first hand experience and believe their statements hook line and sinker.

    It does not require poetry. It does require that you change the way you think. Children wanted to see the young carpenter (Jesus), and the disciples tried to send them awway, and the young carpenter rebuked the disciples and said words to the effect "unless you become as little children; you will not see the kingdom of God" This did not mean go back like children; but to look at the world in a sence of wonder where anything is possible.

    The first step to wisdom is the statement "I do not know. I have found a lot of answers to my spiritual questions; but I am not sure those answers are the 100% correct; but those answers work for me (The way the alien Klatu told Professor Barnard "It works well enough to get me around the galaxy" in the movie "The Day The Earth Stood Still). I am only sure of one thing "For creation to exist; there MUST be a Creator."

refine my ideas. As long as we agree not to throw bricks when we meet someday..*grin*, I consider it time well spent to debate with someone who thinks...even if not exactly like me!

    I promise. I will NOT throw bricks if we meet. That would not be in the spirit of Aloha. ;-)

    If you are comfortable with it; I will even demonstrate the heat emanating from my hands. By channeling mana to heal people; I have seen people flush beet red from the top of their head to their waist in minutes, and have seen injured nerves, tendons and muscles regenerate in 3-4 minutes, and the person regained the use of their hand AFTER their doctor told them the only way they would regain the use of their hand was through surgery.

    I also have a folder you could read that contains E-Mails and letters from some of my students. Some of them; I passed Reiki attunements to them, and what they experienced on the other side of the planet when I passed the attunements, and others that tried to direct lifeforce energy into a cloud, and burn a hole through it.

    I am NOTHING special. ANYONE can do this IF they try. This spiritual technology is EVERYONE'S birthright.

Two Bears