The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67653   Message #1133069
Posted By: Dave Bryant
10-Mar-04 - 11:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
Subject: RE: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?

Depends on which era you are referring to. In the 1960's many men (and girls) would have thought that two days (let alone weeks) was a long time to wait.

Of course a lot depends on how many times you had seen your partner in the two weeks and how you had behaved towards him. At one one time many women believed that it was very unladylike to ever say yes to a fellow until he had badgered her for quite a time, however much she wanted to. The natural male reaction to this was to start asking for sex reasonably soon, but not to actually expect to get an assent for some time.

I must admit that if I had dated a girl who was still not sure if she wanted sex or not after a reasonable time, I would probably have to decide whether the relationship was satisfying enough to continue on a purely platonic basis - there have been quite a few that have, but not as an exclusive relationship.

Mind you I went out with one lady who, although she allowed quite a lot of petting, would not let things "go all the way". One night however, she suddenly asked me to do that very thing. I was rather caught out and explained that I didn't have a condom. "Oh that doesn't matter", she said "I started taking the pill just after I met you and now that a couple of months are up it should be quite safe".